Friday, November 20, 2009

Shih Huang Ti

Chinese emperor Shih Huang Ti of the years 238-210 BC unify China by force of arms and laid the foundation of the reforms-reforms. This reform is a major factor in the cultural unification of China until now.

Shih Huang Ti (also known by the nickname of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti) was born in 259 BC and died in 210 BC. To understand the significance of personal, first we need to know the historical background of his time. He was born in the late Chou dynasty which was founded around 1100 BC. Centuries before his time, Chou dynasty had lost its potency as a ruler, and China divided into numerous feudal states.
Various feudal kings are endlessly fighting with each other, and gradually disappear several small ruler. One of the strongest countries always scuffles that Ch'in, in the western part of China. The leaders of the Ch'in empire embracing the philosophical school of legalists who relied upon the state. Hu-Cu Kong suggest that the population was ruled by moral paragon example of the leader. However, according to the school of philosophy legalists, not enough good people governed in a way that indicated Kong Hu-Cu, because it is not possible ditrapkan. Better, the people were being watched closely by hard rules and forced indiscriminately. Laws and regulations outlined by the authorities and the authorities can change if he needs to look future political interests of the country.
It could be due to holding on to the idea of legalists, could be also due to its geographical position location, or it may be thanks to the leadership abilities Ch'in, the country had become the most powerful country among the countries in the Chinese empire at the time of Cheng (Shih Huang Ti descendants in the future ) was born. Cheng symbolically took the throne in the year 246 BC at the age of thirteen years but in practice the council holds a government to Cheng mature enough in the year 238 BC. The new king lifted the generals are capable and with burning zeal smash feudal countries are still living. Feudal country last fall in 221 BC and after that he could proclaim himself as Wang (king) throughout China. Just give weight, in order to cut off ties with his business past, he's wearing a new title and called himself Shih Huang Ti is the meaning "First Emperor."
Shih Huang Ti rushed to make major changes. Based on the determination to prevent another divorce-berainya China has destroyed the kingdom of Chou, he decided to delete off all the feudal system of government. Territory under their control him subdivided into 36 provinces, and in each province appointed a civilian governor directly appointed by the emperor. Shih Huang Ti decreed that the governor of the province is not anymore based on descent. As a result of this decision, there was a shift habits governor of one province to another province to prevent the possibility of an ambitious local officials and arrange for the power base self-interest. Each province also has a military leader, appointed by the emperor, and at times can be moved whenever he pleased. In addition, also designated three officials to maintain a balance between the civil governor and military governor. He built a long highway connecting the capital city and tidy with provincial cities. The highway was constructed in such a way - in addition to its economic sense - is also sometimes can be used to move troops to central areas in case a lot of attitude and try to make a behavior that could interfere with the integrity and stability of the central power. Shih Huang Ti would not forget to announce the rules for the aristocratic-old aristocrat who are still alive should be settled in the capital with the intention Hsieng so that they can be easily monitored his movements.
However, Shih Huang Ti was not satisfied until there. He was not content merely to matters of political and military unity, but also tried to garner economic unity. He determines the norms of good size for weight and length scales something good. He set the standard currency, all kinds of equipment, the width and length of the vehicle and watched the construction of roads and water channels. And he also establishes a uniform legal system for China following the standards of written language.
Deeds of the most famous emperor (or perhaps the least popular) are rules issued in 213 BC that requires burn all the books in China, except for books related to agriculture, medicine, history of state-Ch'in and the book philosophy book written by the authors of adherents schools of legalists. The rest - not unless the doctrine books Kong Hu-Cu - must be destroyed. With the issuance of this rule may miss the first examples of large-scale sensor in history. He intended to confront philosophies out his opponent, especially schools of-Kong Hu Cu. However, Shih Huang Ti ordered the copying of books banned and kept in the library in the capital.
Its foreign policy no less loud and strong. He made the conquest of southern China, and the areas included in the conquered Chinese territory. Also in the north and west of troops succeeded, but he was not able to subdue the population permanently. In order to avoid their attack China, Shih Huang Ti connecting various local walls which were already in the northern Chinese border to become a giant wall line. China's great wall was still intact there until now.Construction of this project follows the battles with outsiders, charging people with high taxes, and this made him unpopular. Since the revolt against the iron hand of government is not possible, a series of actions carried out to spend his life. However, none of this assassination attempt that succeeded, and Shih Huang Ti died naturally in 210 BC.
Second son of Emperor replaced the title of Shih Huang Ti erh. However, the child does not have the ability of the father, because it was a rebellion erupted. Within four years he was killed.Dibumihangus royal library, and the Ch'in dynasty completely subverted.
However, the work effort of Shi Huang Ti has dirampungkannya is not in vain. The Chinese government is glad it's over tyranny, but, there are few who desire to return to the atmosphere of anarchy as the past. The next dynasty (Han dynasty) continued the basic administrative system established by Ch'in Shih Huang Ti. And indeed, in fact, throughout the twenty-first century the Chinese empire to continue the lines already laid. Although the Ch'in legal system hard immediately softened by the emperor of the Han dynasty, and even the whole philosophy of legalists was shunned and became more Confucianisme state philosophy, political and cultural unification which was established by Shih Huang Ti is not faded.
Overall, the significance of Shih Huang Ti to China well lit. Western people always fascinated by the enormous size of China, but generally the history is not greater than the European population. The difference is that Europe always been fragmented into small states, while China was united into a large country. This difference was because of political factors and social, rather than due to geographical factors, such as in the case of long distance mountain in China is not much different from what is in Europe. Karuan course, the unification of China could not be considered solely the work of a Shih Huang Ti. Many people - such as the Sui Wen Ti - also played an important role, but it is not a doubt Shih Huang Ti is the most important of which is important. He was the central point.
Talking about Shih Huang Ti is not fully complete without mentioning the prime minister and a great bright, Li Ssu. Indeed, as Li Ssu important influence on decision making so hard to tell the emperor what is more decisive between them concerning the great changes that occurred. To avoid the difficulties there teller teller here, I set all the services of their joint actions to Shih Huang Ti. (After all, even if Li Ssu ask advice, the final word on the emperor).
Shih Huang Ti, among others, as a result of burning the books, generally condemned by the writers-berfaham Kong Hu Cu at the back today. They condemned it as a tyrant, kedukun-dukunan, full of superstition, damn, bitch boy and capable insufficient accountability. In contrast, Communist China is generally adored him as a progressive thinker. Western writers sometimes compare the Shih Huang Ti with Napoleon. However, he seems more like Caesar Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire. Empirium which they have established more or less similar in area size and population. The difference, Roman empirium stand much shorter and the area governed by August Caesar was not able to be united in a long time. Is not the case at Shih Huang Ti. That's why Shih Huang Ti had more influence than Augustus Caesar.

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