Friday, November 20, 2009

Martin Luther

Martin Luther, who defiantly against the Roman Catholic Church and gave birth to the Protestant reform movement born in the year 1483 in the town of Eisleben, Germany. She earned a college education is quite good and at one time had studied the law (apparently at the instigation of the father). However, overall he has never completed a formal education but rather chose to be an Augustinian priest. In 1512 he earned a Doctorate in theology from the University of Wittenberg and immediately plunged active in the faculty department.
Dissatisfaction and complaints against Martin Luther's Roman Catholic Church arose level by level. In 1510 he made visitation to Rome. At that point he was shocked stunned witness absurdly worldly extravagance and luxury of the priests of the Catholic church. However, most protests are encouraged especially in terms of doing church-related issues which the forgiveness of sins committed by the church. On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther sticking posters on the gates of Wittenberg church that contains the "ninety-five basic attitude" that confront the luxuries of life including the church in general and send carbon copies "ninety-five basic attitude of" it was the Bishop of Mainz. In addition, also printed and widely distributed everywhere.
The scope of Martin Luther's protest against the Roman Catholic Church with extraordinary speed and spread widely. Luther increase heart attack to the problem right: to deny the power of the Pope, the Church Council. Martin Luther insisted he was only subject to the guidance of the Gospel and the common sense reasons. Understandably, the church was not pleased with the opinion of this Luther. Luther was ordered to come before the church authorities, and after hearing each other and the argument and ordered that Martin Luther threw his opinion, he finally declared "apostate" and found guilty and excommunicated by the council session (1521) and all his writings is expressly prohibited and not accountable.
Should have - according to custom - Martin Luther should be burned to a charcoal burning as well as those who burned the hay. However, Luther's views are widespread and affects a German and a few German nobles. Although Martin Luther must also go hide for a year, support for him was so strong that he could be released from criminal penalties that happened.
Martin Luther was a famous writer and productive and have a broad impact. One of the big job is to translate the Gospel into the German language. This - of course - opening the door for every literate person to learn the gospel itself must be through an intermediary without church or priest. (Incidentally, the translation is so beautiful and perfect spread enormous influence on the language and kesusasteraaan Germany).
Luther's theology - of course - impossible to be described here briefly in a limited space. One of the key ideas is the doctrine of the necessity of faith to trust solely, an idea based on the writings of St.. Paul. Luther believed, according to human kondratnya darkened because of his sins and solely through the actions and work better alone can save him from eternal damnation.Salvation comes only through faith and with the blessing of God's forgiveness. Therefore, according to Luther, it became obvious that the act of forgiveness is the church to sell inappropriate and futile. With so well meant, the traditional opinion that considers rusty intermediate church can not be removed between a Christian and God is really something false.If someone is the doctrine of Martin Luther, it means the rights of the Roman Catholic Church wiped out in a single blow.
In addition, in the case questioned the essential role of the church, Luther also protested against the various kinds of beliefs and practices of special worship. For example, he rejected the existence of purgatory (a state after death where the spirit requires purification through torture while), and he refused a bachelor necessity for a pastor. He was alone in the year 1525 married the former nun, had six children. Luther died in Eisleben in 1546 when he was on his way to visit his hometown.
Martin Luther, of course, is not the first Protestant thinker. Century before he was preceded by Jan Hus of Bohemia, and in the 14th century British scholar John Wycliffe, even in the 12th century, a Frenchman named Peter Waldo can be considered a first Protestant. However, the influence of Martin Luther's predecessors in the movement had only included the local. In 1517, dissatisfaction with the Catholic church has penetrated everywhere. The sayings of Martin Luther was a serial blaze spread to large areas of Europe. Luther because it has an undeniable right that he was the person responsible for the explosion of dynamite sulutan renewal.
The most obvious consequence of this Reform movement - of course - the establishment of various Protestant sects. Although Protestants are part cumalah course of Christianity as a whole, nor is the biggest part, but still exceeded the number of adherents of the Buddhist and even compared with most other religions.
An important consequence of the Reform movement is the extent of spread of armed religious conflict that soon followed. Some examples of religious wars (eg, Thirty Years War in Germany that began in 1618 and only ended in 1648) really a bloody war which claimed many victims. In fact, other than weapons clashed, the political conflict between Catholics and Protestants have an important role in the political arena of Europe for several centuries to come.
Updates also plays a complicated but important in the intellectual development of Europe.Before the year 1517 there was only one church, the Roman Catholic Church and every dissident and who have other opinions immediately branded as "apostates." Climate played such kemplang karuan not provide for freedom of fresh thinking. After the renewal because the various countries have adopted the principles of religious freedom in thinking, by itself provide security in the affairs speculation on various issues.
There are also other influences that are worth noting, most of the figures included in the list in this book is from England, figures exceed the other country. Germany followed after the British.It could be said, a list of these figures is very noticeable is dominated by those from Protestant countries both Europe and North America. If we examine, only two people from the list (Gutenberg and Charlemagne) lived before the year 1517. Before that year, most of the people listed in this book comes from another world and the people who live in the country now known as the Protestant countries comparatively modest contribution of the cultural and human history. This light indicates how much movement or Protestant Reform movement was responsible for the fact how many famous people from this area in the 450-year period. Perhaps the development of intellectual freedom in this area is the main factor.
Luther was not altogether free from mistakes. Although he was a rebel against religious authority, he can be very short-sighted and not gracefully for those who have different opinions with the religious issue. It could be short-sighted attitude, and not gracefully resulted Luther religious wars in Germany is much more fierce and more bloody than for example in the UK.After all, Martin Luther was very gravity of the anti-Jewish, and his writings are very outrageous and hit kromo against Jews is likely to push for opening the way Hitler did in the atrocities of the 20th century.
Luther has often emphasized the need for obedience to the authority of the legitimate civilian government. Most likely, the main background for its refusal to intervene against the civilian government of the church. (Do not forget, Reform movement was not merely theological strife, To a certain extent he was also a German Nationalist revolt against Roman influence, therefore it's worth when some movements get great support from several German princes). Apart from Luther's intentions, his statement on the German Protestants encouraged to accept the absolute attitude in matters pertaining to politics. And in that way also the writings of Martin Luther helped paved the way for the reign of Hitler.
Maybe there are some people wonder what Martin Luther because no place higher in the list order this book. The main cause, although Luther seemed to have significance for Europeans and Americans, he does not have significant meaning for people in Asia and Africa because the relatively few who embraced Christianity. So far as the Chinese, Japanese or Indian, the difference between Catholics and Protestants have no significance for them. (The same thing happened to the Europeans who are not so interested in the differences between the Sunnis and the Shiites in Islam).
The second reason, Luther if the balance, a new historical figure, because it influence coverage in the history of humanity. not for Muhammad, Buddha; or Moses. Furthermore, in the recent several centuries of religious belief in the West decline, and the influence of religion on human problems within the next 2000 years seems smaller than the past thousand years. When power dibble continuous decline of religious influence, Martin Luther-dragon dragon will look much less more importance in the history of humanity than he earned now.
Finally, remember that we are worthy of religious strife in the centuries to the 16th and 17th actually not - in the long run - an impact to people's lives as well as advances in science that occurs at the same time. Indeed, what the main reason for Luther, placed in the main list of more of the Copernicus (who lived contemporary with him) is that Luther played a larger role in individual Protestant Reform movement than the Copernican revolution in science.

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