Friday, November 20, 2009

Adolf Hitler

Frankly, I put Hitler into a chronological list of this book in disgust. The effect is completely confounded, and I do not have a sense of respect for the importance lies in the cause of death of about thirty-five million people. However, there was no way to deny the fact that Hitler had a tremendous influence on people who are not playing much.
Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Braunau, Austria. As a teenager he was a failed artist who neglected and at times in his young age he became a fanatical German nationalist. At the time World War I, he entered the German Army, was wounded and got two medals for bravery.
The defeat of Germany membikinnya devastated and angry. In the year 1919 when the old stepping thirty years, he joined a small right-wing party in Munich, and the party immediately changed its name to Nationalist Workers' Party of Germany (Nazi summarized). Within two years he rose to be leader without a rival in the German nickname called "Fuehrer."
Under the leadership of Hitler, the Nazi party with incredible speed into a force and in November 1923 failed experiment. Coup known as "The Munich Beer Hall Putsch." Hitler was arrested, accused of being a traitor, and proven guilty. However, he was released from jail after languishing there for less than a year.
In the year 1928 the Nazi party is still a small party. However, major depression make people dissatisfied with political parties large and established. In these circumstances the Nazi party became more powerful, and in January 1933, when the age of forty-four years, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
With the title, Hitler quickly and efficiently establish a dictatorship by using government officials confront all opposition groups. Keep in mind, this process is not over the erosion of civil liberties and rights defend themselves against criminal charges, but worked with slashes of lightning and very often the Nazi party did not bother with the procedure in court at all. Many political opponents beaten, even killed on the spot. However, before the outbreak of World War 2, Hitler won the support of most of the German population because he managed to suppress the amount of unemployment and make economic improvements.
Hitler then set up road to conquests which ultimately brought the world into the cauldron of World War-2. He won his first regional wars virtually without passing at all. England and France, surrounded by various kinds of economic difficulties, because it was so wanted peace so that they do not give a damn when Hitler betrayed the Versailles agreement by building the German Armed Forces. Similarly, they do not take care when Hitler occupied the fort and strengthen the Rhineland (1936), and so also when Hitler annexed Austria (March 1938). Even they have received while nodding when Hitler annexed the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia border stronghold.International agreement known as the "Munich Pact" that the UK and France are expected as a result of the purchase of "Peace of all time" left to be trampled, and they were dumbfounded when Hitler seized Czechoslovakia in part because several months later Czechoslovakia utterly helpless. At each stage, Hitler cleverly combines arguments to justify his actions with the threat that he would be a war if the desire is considered quiet, and at each stage of democratic countries to feel discouraged and weakened back.
However, the UK and France determined to defend Poland, Hitler's next target. First Hitler protect themselves by signing a pact "not to attack each other" in August 1939 with Stalin (essentially aggression treaty agreements because they agree on how to split the Polish for the interests of each). Nine days later, Germany attacked Poland and sixteen days after the Soviet Union do the same. Although England and France declared war on Germany, Poland soon be conquered.
Intensity peak years of Hitler was in 1940. In April, the armed forces confront Danish and Norwegian. In May, he hit the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. In June, French bend the knee. But in England the same year survive the death of the German air attack, known by the nickname "Battle of Britain" and Hitler was never able to set foot on British earth.
German forces conquered Greece and Yugoslavia in April 1941. And in June the same year Hitler tore up 'agreement not to attack each other "with the Soviet Union and opened the attack.German Army could occupy a very large part of Russian territory but was unable to completely disarm before winter. Although the fight against England and Russia, unmitigated Hitler declared war with the United States in December 1941 and several days later Japan confront the United States, ransacked the naval base at Pearl Harbor.
In mid-1942 Germany had controlled the bulk of European territory that could never be done by anyone else in history. Moreover, he controlled North Africa. The turning point occurred in half of the war both in 1942 when Germany was defeated in a complex battle at El-Alamein in Egypt and Stalingrad in Russia. After this setback, good fortune which had been gradually umbrella-German troops are still left gradually. However, despite the German defeat seemed inevitable, Hitler refused to surrender. Not that he was more afraid, even penggasakan continued for more than two years after Stalingrad. The bitter end of the story occurs in the spring of 1945. Hitler committed suicide in Berlin on 30 April and seven days after the Germans surrendered.
During the period of power, Hitler was involved in acts of mass murder that there was no standard match in history. He was a fanatic racist, special to the Jews who done with bubbling hatred. He publicly announced kill every Jew in the world. In his reign, the Nazis built big kampkamp exile, equipped with a gas chamber. In each area the territory, people, innocent people, men and women and children were herded and thrown into cattle cars for the next revoked his life in the gas chambers. Within just a few years about 6,000,000 Jews were returned to the afterlife.
Jews are not the only ones who became victims of Hitler. In the reign of dictatorship, the people of Russia and Gypsy are also cleared, as well as against the people who are considered, including low or racial enemies of the state. Never imagined this murder do spontaneously, or in hot conditions and the heat of battle. But Hitler had built the camp with the organization mautt a neat and carefully as if he designed a large business enterprise. Structured data, the number assigned, and the bodies were systematically stripped down the members of his teeth are valuable as gold and wedding rings. Also many of the bodies used for a soap factory. So closely by the Hitler assassination plan that even at the end of the war will end, when the Germans lack the materials for the use of both civilian and military, cattle car continued rolling toward the killing camps of terror missions within the framework of non-military.
In many ways, it was obvious notoriety of Hitler will be finished. First, he was widely regarded by the world's most devilish human beings throughout history. If people like Nero and Caligula is one step so it does not mean when compared to Hitler and Hitler still remain a symbol of cruelty during the 20th century, did not seem to melesetlah if someone predicted that Hitler was so bad that no terlawankan reputation would be remembered in history for the decades centuries.
More than that, of course, Hitler will be remembered as the culprit to the outbreak of World War-2, the biggest war ever happened on earth. The progress of nuclear weapons as an impossibility that will happen large-scale war in the future. Therefore, even two or three thousand years from now, World War 2 might still be considered a big event in history.
Furthermore, Hitler will remain popular because the whole story about him was so scary and interesting, how a stranger (Hitler was born in Austria, not Germany), how one who has no political experience at all, no money, no political connections, able to - in a period less than fourteen years old - became the leader of a prominent world power, truly amazing. His ability as an orator really extraordinary. Measured by its ability to move masses of important actions, can be said that Hitler was the greatest orator in history. Finally, how dirty the lift to the summit of power, it will not terpegang hands quickly forgotten.
Perhaps no figure in history who has so much influence on Adolf Hitler than his generation. In addition to tens of millions of people who died in the war which he responsible, or those who died in concentration camps, are still millions and millions of people terlunta-lunta without shelter or who live apart by war.
Other estimates of the influence of Hitler should consider two factors. First, many of which actually happened under his leadership would never have happened if no Hitler. (In this regard she is very different from such figures as Charles Darwin or Simon Bolivar). Of course, true that the situation in Germany and Europe to provide an opportunity for Hitler. Passion military and anti-Jewish, for example, is stunning his audience. No there were signs, for example, that most of the Germans in the 1920s or 1930s as the government intended to have set in motion by Hitler, and very few signs that German leaders would do the same Other Hitler. What Hitler did not have the slightest thought would happen by the observers.
Second, the entire Nazi movement is controlled by a leader to extraordinary levels. Marx, Lenin, Stalin and other leaders both have a role to the growth of Communism. However, National Socialism had no prominent leaders before the emergence of Hitler, so there is no afterwards.Hitler led the party to power and stay on top. When he died, the Nazi party and government that led to death with him.
However, despite the influence of Hitler on his generation was so large, a result of his actions in the future seems not how much. Hitler was pretty much a total failure to complete the target goal of anywhere, and the consequences that appear on the next generation in fact the opposite of what he wanted. For example, Hitler intended to spread the influence of Germany and German territory. However, his conquests areas, although very large, only a brief and temporary nature. And now even West Germany and East Germany combined into one are still smaller than the Republic of Germany when Hitler became head of government.
Hitler's desire is the urge to slaughter Jews. But fifteen years after Hitler came to power, an independent Jewish state stands for the first time in 2000 years. Hitler hated both Communism and the Soviet Union. However, after her death, and partly due to the start of the war, the Russians even expand his territory in the vast territory in eastern Europe and the influence of Communism in the developing world even more. Hitler intended to squeeze even destroy democracy, not only in other countries but in Germany itself. However, West Germany is now a democratic country and its people runs look more hated dictatorship than any generation before the time of Hitler.
And why there is a strange combination of the extraordinary influence of the time he ruled with such a tiny effect on subsequent generations? The consequences of Hitler posed during his life so huge that it became clear Hitler was placed in the proper sequence is rather high in this book list.
Yet, of course he should be placed under figures like Shih Huang Ti, Augustus Caesar and Genghis Khan's actions affect the world of power long after the demise of reach. The almost parallel position with Hitler was Napoleon and Alexander the Great. In such a short time, Hitler was able to tear apart the world far worse than the men. Hitler placed under their order because they have a longer effect.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Generals and the famous French emperor, Napoleon I, out of the womb in Ajaccio, Corsica, in 1769. Its original name was Napoleon Bonaparte. Corsica in the French territory only fifteen months before Napoleon was born, and at times juvenile Napoleon a Corsican nationalist who considered France's oppressors. However, Napoleon was sent into a military academy in France and when he graduated in 1785 at the age of fifteen he became the French army lieutenant.
Four years later the French Revolution erupted, and within a few years the new French government engaged in war with some foreign countries. Napoleon's first chance to show skill is in the year 1793, in the battle of Toulon (France take back the city from the hands of England), where Napoleon served in an artillery unit. At that time he was no longer hold on to understand Corsicanya nationalists, but people already consider themselves French. Successes obtained in Toulon, declaring himself to be Brigade-General and in 1796 he was given the burden of responsibility so command the French army in Italy. In the country, between the years 1796-1797, Napoleon had also seized a string of victories that made him a hero when he returned to France.
In 1798 he led the invasion of France to Egypt. This step proved to be disastrous. On land, the troops of Napoleon generally successful, but the British Navy under the command of Lord Nelson with a steady ransacked French fleet, and in 1799 Napoleon left his army in Egypt and returned to France.
Once in France, Napoleon was keen to conclude that the French people more remembered by his victories in Italy than the failure of the French expedition to Egypt. Hold on to this fact, only a month after she stepped on the earth of France, Napoleon took part in a power struggle with Albe Sieyes and others. This coup gave birth to a new government called the "Consulate General", and Napoleon became first consul. Although the constitution was drawn up with care and received approval through a plebiscite of the people, it's just a mere mask to cover up the military dictatorship of Napoleon, who immediately able to nudge and crippling his opponents.
The rise of Napoleon to the throne of power absolutely amazing. Precisely in August 1793, before the battle of Toulon, Napoleon completely unknown. He was nothing more than a low officer twenty-four years old and not entirely the French. However, less than six years later - still in the age of thirty years - has transformed a French ruler indisputable again, a position he held for more than fourteen years.
In the years of his rule, Napoleon made a major reshuffle in the government administrative system as well as French law. For example, he revolutionized the financial structure and the judiciary, he founded the Bank of France and the University of France, and menyentralisir administration. Although each of these changes have an important meaning, and in some cases have the long-term effects, especially to France, does not have a significant effect for other countries.
But one of the reforms undertaken by Napoleon had power beyond the influence of the French state itself. Namely, what is the famous formulation called Code Napoleon. In many ways, this code reflects the ideas of the French Revolution. For example, under this code there are no special privileges based on birth and origins, all people equal in the eyes of the law degrees.Coincided with that code is pretty close to the old laws and customs of France, so accepted by the people of France and the court system. In general, the code was moderate, neatly organized and written in concise, clear, and can be accepted, moreover easily understood. As a result, this code is not only applicable in France (French civil law in force today is almost similar to the Code Napoleon was) but also accepted in other countries with which changes according to local needs.
Political Napoleon always convinced that he is a man who defended the French Revolution.However, in the year 1804 which he himself also memperoklamirkan himself as Emperor of France. Plus, he raised his three older siblings throne in several European countries. This step can not grow displeasure on the part of people who consider the French Republic was totally embarrassed a betrayal of the ideas and objectives of the French Revolution. However, the main difficulty faced is the battle with Napoleon foreign countries.
In the year 1802, in Amiens, Napoleon signed a peace treaty with England. This gives relief to the French wind that within ten years continuously in an atmosphere of war. However, in the next year a peace treaty was broken and a long battle with the British and their allies began again. Although Napoleon's army repeatedly won the battle on the mainland, the UK could not be defeated if not terlumpuhkan sea fleet. Unfortunately for Napoleon, the battle is impossible at Trafalgar in 1805, the British fleet won a great victory. Therefore, control and power of England in the ocean is not no doubt about it. Although great victory of Napoleon (at Austerlitz against Austria and Russia) occurred six weeks after Trafalgar, it was not able to remove the bitterness of defeat in the naval sector.
In 1808 Napoleon's done great folly to involve France in a long war and the uncertain end of the base in the Iberian Peninsula, where the French army still stuck for years. However, Napoleon's biggest mistake was his attack on Russia. In 1807 Napoleon met face to face with the Czar, and the treaty of Tilsit they agree garner lasting friendship. However, alliance persepakatan and gradually broken, and in June of 1812 Napoleon led the army stamped giant Russian earth.
The results of these actions have the same note. Russian troops generally avoided direct battle against Napoleon's army, because it can be advanced Napoleon quickly. In September, Napoleon occupied Moscow. However, the Russians burned the city and most of the ground.After waiting for five weeks in Moscow (with the vain hope that Russia would offer peace), Napoleon finally decided to resign, but this decision was too late. Combination of Russian soldiers beating and cruel winter, inadequate supply of French troops led the retreat into the retreat of helter-skelter. Less than ten percent of the giant French soldiers could get out of the Russian earth alive.
European countries, such as Austria and Prussia, was well aware they have a good chance beating France. They combine all the forces against Napoleon, and at the battle of Leipzig in October 1813, Napoleon returned a bitter blow to the staggering. The next year he stopped and banished to the island of Elba, a small island off the coast of Italy.
In 1815 he escaped from Elba Island, returned to France, welcomed and returned to power.European powers declared war immediately, and a hundred days after he had his seat again in the throne of power, Napoleon suffered a fatal defeat at Waterloo.
After Waterloo, Napoleon was imprisoned by the British in St. Helena, a small island in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It was here that he breathed the last breath in 1821 due to cancer attack.
Napoleon's military career presents an interesting paradox. Genius tactic movement is very fascinating, and when measured in terms of it alone, he might be considered one the greatest generals of all time. But in the field of basic strategy he declined due to make big mistakes, such as the invasion of Egypt and Russia. Strategy so dumb mistake that Napoleon dubbed unfit-class military leaders. Is this second assumption is not fair? I think not. Indeed, a general measure of greatness lies in the ability to dodge from doing the mistakes that led towards the destruction. No such thing happened to Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Tamerlane the army was never defeated. Since Napoleon ultimately be defeated in the year 1815, France has a smaller area than ever dipunyainya in 1879, when the outbreak of the Revolution.
Napoleon, of course, an "egomaniac" and is often considered semodel with Hitler. However, there is an intricate differences between the two. If Hitler had some of its biggest acts on the hidden ideological impetus, Napoleon driven solely by ambition that he was opportunistic and did not have a sense of great slaughter, and like crazy. In the reign of Napoleon, there is no such concentration camps as Hitler possessed.
Napoleon's name masyhurnya very very easy to trap people thought he was a big influence in exaggerated. Early short-term impact was huge, maybe bigger than Alexander the Great, although not for Hitler. (According to estimates, about 500,000 French soldiers died in the Napoleonic wars, was about 800,000 people were killed during the German World War 2). By any measure, the destruction of Napoleon's actions less than what was done about Hitler.
In regard to long-term impact, Napoleon seems more important than Hitler, though much less important than Alexander the Great. Napoleon made extensive changes in the French administrative system, but only one of the French population over seventy people in the world. In any event, such administrative changes must be viewed from the perspective of a reasonable angle. The effect on the French people is much less than the changes of technological advances during the past two centuries.
Many people say, the Napoleonic period provides an opportunity for changes to the terkonsolidasinya and mapannya the borjuais France. In the year 1815, when the French monarchy eventually reorganized, the changes are sustained and protected so well that the possibility could be the return of social patterns of the old order of things is completely impossible. However, the most important changes actually occur and composed before Napoleon. In the year 1799 when Napoleon held the reins of government may be all the way to a return to the status quo was too late. But, apart from Napoleon's own ambitions to the royal kingdom, he did hold an important role to spread the idea of revolution throughout Europe.
Napoleon also brought by the emergence of vast influences and major in Latin American revolution. Spanish invasion to weaken the government of Spain, so its colonial grip on the colony areas also loosened itself and not effective. In this situation it is de facto autonomy of independence movements in Latin America began to erupt.
Of all the steps deeds of Napoleon, the most important and most have a long-term influence even beyond the plan and had nothing to do with Napoleon's own plan.
In 1803, Napoleon sold the vast region to the United States. He knew, belonged to the French in North America is difficult protected against British attacks. In addition, he also needs money, Louisiana's land sale may be trading in a peaceful land of the largest in the history of the United States and change into a continent-sized country. It is hard to imagine what form the United States without this Louisiana. It would be an entirely different country to what we know today.And also the United States reasonable doubt can be a strong country without a sale and purchase of Louisiana it.
Napoleon, of course, is not the only person who contributes and is responsible for this sale. The American government clearly also hold the role. However, the French offer to sell Louisiana was decided in the negotiations by one person. And the person of Napoleon Bonaparte.


Alexander the Great, conqueror of the world famous past Pello was born in the year 356 BC, the capital of Macedonia. His father, King Philip II of Macedonia has an ability and farsighted. Philip zoom in and organizing the Armed Forces of Macedonia and turn it into a fighting force of high quality. The first time you use this option the Army is the time he conquered the area around the north until he came to Greece, then turned south and conquered almost all of Greece. Then Philip federated Greek cities, and he himself became the leader. When he designed a plan more attacks on the Persian Empire was vast in the east of Greece, even the invasion has already begun in the year 336 BC, Philip terbunul, when he was only forty-six years.
Alexander aged only twenty years old when his father died but he was replaced without difficulty to the throne. Philip carefully jauhjauh days have made preparations for his successor and the young Alexander had the knowledge and considerable military experience. In the case of intellectual education is not to ignore any Philip. Teachers make Alexander provided a special father: Aristotle, one that most scholars and perhaps the most famous philosopher in the world of that time.
Both in Greece and the areas north hemisphere, the population of the conquered Philip at Philip's death is a great opportunity to block and subvert the power grip of Macedonia. However, only within two years after the throne, Alexander was able to overcome the region. After that, attention shifted to the Persian.
For two thousand years the Persians controlled the vast territory, stretching from the Mediterranean to India. Although Persia was no longer in the top of his greatness, but still remains a formidable opponent and respected, the most extensive empire, the most powerful and richest on earth.
Alexander launched his first attack to the Persian year 334 BC. Because he had to set aside part of its troops in the country to maintain and oversee its European inilik, Alexander had only 35 000 soldiers accompanying an adventure when he dared the death, a small amount insignificant compared to the power of the Persian Army. In addition to a number of misfortunes that happened, Alexander won a string of victories in gempurannya against the Persians. There are three factors that has caused his victory. First, the troops left by his father, Philip, really well trained and organized, better than the Persians. Second, Alexander himself a warlord of genius, perhaps the most genius at all times. Third, Alexander's own courage. Although he led the first stages of the battle behind the front lines, the decision was to lead his own Alexander's horsemen who gave decisive blow. This is a risky way and he was often wounded in battle like this. But troops witnessed with my own eyes that Alexander was not really in danger of insufficient responsibility and would not impose a risk on the shoulders of others. This brings a direct result in terms of moral improvement convincing soldiers.
Alexander led his forces first struck in Asia Minor, struck out a small army stationed in the Persian there. Then she moved toward the north of Syria, crush a large army of Persians at Issus. This completed her turn around invade the south, and after the fighting involved heavy and difficult throughout the seven months, he managed to conquer the Phoenician island city Tire is now called Lebanon. When Alexander was fighting in Tire, he received a message from the King of Persia mengwarkan half his kingdom if only for Alexander Alexander willing to accept the peace agreement. One of Alexander's generals, Parmenio, considers good and decent offer accepted. "If I am Alexander, the offer was accepted." What Alexander answered? "So did I, if I was named Parmenio."
After Tire fell, Alexander continued his movement to the south. Gaza fell after fighting for two months. Egypt surrendered without fighting anything. After occupying Egypt, Alexander settled for a while just to give time off for his soldiers. In the country, although he was only twenty-four years, he was given the gift the title and was crowned Pharaoh as a god. Considered after the break, Alexander and his army moved again back to the Asian mainland, and the life-death battle that determines at Arbela in 331 BC, he was completely paralyzed most of the Persian army.
After a resounding victory that Alexander brought his army to Babylon and break into the Persian cities, Suso, and Persepolis. Persian King Darius III (instead of Darius the Great predecessor) was killed by the officer-in opsirnya year 330 BC to prevent surrender to Alexander. Even so, Alexander defeated and killed the substitute Darius, and in the battle for three years, he had conquered all the eastern parts of Iran and urged the country continues to Central Asia.
With all the Persian Empire under his feet tclapak, Alexander should take the decision back home to his country and organize the territory. But, thirsty conquest was unbearable, so he went to Afghanistan labrakannya. From there he led his army across the Hindu Kush mountains to India. He obtained a series of major victories in the western part of India and intend to continue the attack to the east of India. However, his army was tired and struggling from years of fighting, and refused to continue the attack. So with Alexander reluctantly returned to Persia.
After returning to Persia, Alexander spent about a year organizing the army and the empire under their control. Alexander grew up with the belief that Greek culture is the only superior culture and the thumb and all nations who are not Greek none other than the barbarians.Barangtentu belief was widely spread throughout the state of mind and the Greek world, and even Aristotle himself thought so. But, apart from success to quell down the Persian army, Alexander realized that the Persians barbarians was not at all, and of the Persians could have just as capable and smart with the Greeks. Therefore, Alexander has the intention to merge the two into one empire, and the formation of a joint dijelmakannya culture of the Graeco-Persian empire with her own, of course, is above the ruling leadership. As far as can we be sure, he really wished that the Persians are an equal partner with the Greeks and Macedonia. In order to implement this plan, he put a lot of people into the Persian army. He is also a party what he called "Western and Eastern Marriage" in which thousands of soldiers Macedonia officially married daughters of Asia. He himself, despite his wife to marry a girl before Asian royalty, married to the daughter of Darius again.
Very obvious, Alexander intended to do additional conquest by the Armed Forces who have organized this again. We know, he bennaksud conquered Arabia, and perhaps also wilayahwilayah located in the northern half of Persia. And maybe he had plans Indian occupied or invaded Rome, Carthago and parts of the Mediterranean Sea. However the plan is structured, there is clearly no subsequent conquests again. In early June of 323 BC when Alexander was in Babylon, he suddenly developed a fever and he died ten days later. At that time not yet reached the age of thirty-three years.
Alexander did not appoint his successor, and soon after he began to occur no power struggles.In this struggle, her mother, his wife, his children all were killed. His empire was divided among his generals.
Since Alexander died in a very young age and was never defeated, a lot of speculation whether the hell that would happen if a long age. When he brought his army invaded and conquered the areas west of the Mediterranean Sea, most likely he will succeed, and in this case the entire history of Western Europe will experience major changes. But this speculation, however interesting nothing to do with the real successes already achieved.
Alexander may be a very dramatic figure in history, career and personal still be a source of admiration. The evidence of success in his career was dramatic, and dozens of stories popping up about his name. And obviously it was his ambition to be the greatest warrior and conqueror of all time, and apparently well-deserved nickname he acquired it. As individual fighters, covered in her ability and courage. As a general, he's very smart, because the battle for eleven years, never once did things he lost.
Coincided with that, he was an intellectual who studied under the tutelage of Aristotle and master Homer's poems. In the case of the idea that people realize that no Greek should not barbarians, clearly shows that his mind had more coverage than most of the Greek thinkers at the time.
However, on the other hand, Alexander had a short-sighted view. Although he repeatedly at risk in battle, he did not prepare his successor. This negligence is the cause of his empire so quickly fall apart after he died.
Alexander is considered likely that beautiful face, and she often very generous to the defeated enemy. On the other hand, he was also an "egomaniac" and violent temper. On one occasion, in a brawl in a fender, he killed a friend familiar, Clertus, one who had saved her life.
Just as Napoleon and Hitler, Alexander had a tremendous influence on his generation. A brief period of influence, is more concise than they, solely because of limited facilities for travel to and fro and communication at the time border and minimize its impact on the world.
In the long run, the most important influence of the conquest of Alexander carried Greek culture is closer to the Middle East, so that each gets a benefit to supplement and enhance their culture. During and immediately after a career of Alexander, Greek culture quickly spread to Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Judea, and Egypt. Before Alexander, the Greek culture had already penetrated into these areas but very slowly. Also, Alexander spread the influence of Greek culture to India and Central Asia, areas previously untouched. However, cultural influence is not meant only one-sided and one-way. In the Hellenistic age (the centuries immediately after the steps of Alexander) Eastern ideas-particularly-religious ideas spread to the Greek world. With this Hellenistic culture was dominant but the Greeks seem to really influence of Eastern thought at the time was the Roman influence.
In the long career, Alexander founded more than twenty-one new city. The most famous of all is Alexandria (Alexandria) in Egypt that the tempo is fast becoming the leading city in the world and is a cultural and educational center of the famous. Others, such as Herat and Afghanistan Kandahan also developed so important cities.
Alexander, Napoleon, and Hitler have in common it's the weight of its influence in general.People will be memorable, however, the influence of the latter is shorter lifetimes than Alexander.

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis beginners embryo, born in 1856 in the town of Freiberg, now located in Czechoslovakia, but was included Austrian Empire. When he was four years old, his family moved to Vienna and that's where he spent most of his life. Freud an excellent student in school, earned a medical degree from the University of Vienna in 1881. Over the next ten years he was doing in-depth investigations in the field of psychology, psychiatry clinic staff form, doing private practice in the field of neurology, working in Paris with renowned French neurologist Jean Charcot, and also with the doctor Josef Breuer of Vienna.
Freud's ideas in the field of psychology developed level by level. Stone in 1895 his first book published study of hysteria, in collaboration with Breuer. Dream Interpretation next book published in 1900. This book is one of his most original and most important at the same time, despite a slow sales market at first, but lifting the name of the scent. After that ran out of his work is essential, and in 1908, when Freud gave a series of lectures in the United States, Freud has become people who really famous. In 1902 he organized a discussion group in Vienna psychological problems. One of the first members who joined the Alfred Adler, and several years later were also Carl Yung. The two men eventually became master of psychology through their own efforts.
Freud married and have children six. In the final moments of his life he was smitten by cancer in his jaw bone, and since 1923, and later he had surgery more than thirty times in order to restore the condition. Nevertheless, he still found the work and some important works to appear in the following years. In 1938 the Nazis occupied Austria and the Sigmund Freud who was 82 years old and Jewish descent were forced to go to London and died there a year later.
Freud's contribution in the field of psychological theory so broad-reaching power that is not easy menyingkatnya. He emphasized the great importance of the unconscious processes of human attitudes. He showed how the process affects the content of the dream and led to talk-talk that missed or wrong calls, forgetting the names and also causes suffering for homemade and even disease.
Freud developed the technique of psychoanalysis as a method of healing mental illness, and he formulated a theory about the structure of the human person, and he also developed or popularized the theory of psychology concerned with anxiety, self-defense mechanism, pengkhitanan affairs, depression, sublimation and many more. Writings arouse excitement of psychological theory. Many of the controversial idea that provoked a heated debate since flung.
Freud's most famous perhaps in proposing the idea that sexual desire is often the cause of depression is important in terms of mental illness or neurosis. (Indeed, Freud was not the first person to bring this issue even though his writings give so much encouragement in the use of the scientific field). He also shows that sexual arousal and sexual desire begins in the childhood and adult rather than at the time.
Because many of Freud's ideas are still at odds with each other, it is difficult to put his position in history. He is a pioneer and the diggers, with the talent and incredible intelligence that produces a variety of ideas. However, Freud's theories (unlike Darwin or Pasteur) never managed to get agreement from the community of scientists and extremely difficult to say which parts of the ideas that ultimately can be regarded as a truth.
Apart from the ongoing opposition to his ideas, it seems very little doubt that Freud was a prominent figure in the history of human thought. His opinions in the field of psychology has completely revolutionized our conception of the human mind, and many of the ideas and the terms have been used by the general-example: the ego, super ego, the Oedipus complex and the tendency to desire to die.
Sure enough, psychoanalysis is a way of healing is very expensive and very serious and did not work anything. However, it is also true techniques achieve great successes. The psychologists in the future to conclude that repressed sexual desires will be increasingly important role in human behavior rather than assuming the schools of Freud's adherents. However, this passion has certainly had a large share of the assumptions in part psychologist before Freud. Similarly, the majority of psychologists are now convinced that the process of unconscious mental role in determining human behavior, something that is underrated people before Freud.
Freud was not the first psychologist, and in the long run may not be considered people whose ideas most of approaching the truth. However, he was clearly the most influential figures, and most important in the development of modern psychological theory and his views which have enormous meaning in their field to serve him right in the order listed.

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

Great French scientist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was a leading figure in the field of development of chemistry. At the time of his birth in Paris in 1743, chemical science far behind than physics, mathematics and astronomy. A large number of discoveries that stand on their own have found a lot of experts in chemistry, but no one theoretical framework that can be a handle that can summarize the information separate. At that kind of belief spread that does not ensure that water and air is an elementary substance. Even worse, the misunderstanding of the nature rather than fire. A growing belief that time is that all objects contain the combustion process, alleged suspect substance called "phlogiston," and that during the combustion process, the substance of goods phlogiston burned it releases into the air.
In the period between the years 1754 - 1774, chemical experts, talented as Joseph Black, Joseph Priestley, Henry Cavendish and others have isolated the importance of gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. However, since these people accept the theory of phlogiston, they do not want to understand the nature or significance of a chemical substance which they had ketemukan. Oxygen, for example, is seen as the air it all phlogiston had been shifted. (As we know that more perfect wood chips burned in oxygen than in air, this may be due to more easily suck the air from the timber phlogiston latest). Clearly, real progress in the field of chemistry can not occur before the main basics can be understood.
The successful Lavoisier and handle the parts into the puzzle as one that can be justified and find the right direction in the theory of chemistry. In the first stage, said Lavoisier, phlogiston theory completely misses: there is no such thing as phlogiston objects. Combustion process consists of a chemical combination of combustion products with oxygen. Second, water is not good at all but one elementary mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. The air is not an elementary substance, but also consists primarily of a mixture of two types of gas, oxygen and nitrogen. All of these statements now seem obvious now, but not be arrested either by Lavoisier predecessors and contemporaries colleagues. Even after Lavoisier formulated his theory and presents it to the scientific community, nevertheless, still many leaders chemist who reject the idea of this theory. However, Lavoisier's brilliant book the Principles of Basic Chemistry (1789), so bright and the clarity of this hypothesis and put forward a very convincing and outperformed other opinions, then the chemical experts, the younger generation quickly trust.
As he proved that water and air is not the chemical elements, Lavoisier included in his book also lists substances that objects are considered a fundamental meaning and nature of elementary though the list contains several errors, the modern list of chemical elements present in reality an extension of what had already been prepared Lavoiser it.
Lavoiser had prepared the first scheme of compact chemical system (in collaboration with Berthollet, Guyton de Fourcroi and Morveau). Lavoisier in the system (which became the basis grip until now) the chemical composition described by its name. For the first time acceptance of a uniform chemical system is described that allows chemists around the world can contact each other in terms of their findings.
Lavoisier was the first to clearly express the principles of object storage of chemical reactions without any particular form: that is, the reaction can set back the right elements in the original substance, but nothing is indestructible, and the final results in the same weight as original components. Lovoisier beliefs about the importance of considering the accuracy of chemical reactions that involve changing the chemistry to be exact science as well as prepare the way for many advances in the field of chemistry in the days afterward.
Lavoisier also contributed in the field of geological research, and also contribute in a convincing weight in the field of physiology. With a supremely experiment carefully (in collaboration with Laplace), he was able to show that the physiological process of sweating or sweat is basically the same as slow burning process. In other words, human and animal nations draw their energy from organic combustion process slowly from within, with the use of oxygen in the air dihimpunnya. This discovery alone - which may be equivalent to the importance of Harvey's discovery of the circulation of blood - enough dalan Lavoisier put this book order list. In addition, Lavoisier had a very important meaning because of the chemical formulation of the theory as a starting point for the sector unshakable knowledge of chemistry on the right track. He is generally regarded as the "founder of modern chemistry", and indeed he deserves the name.
Just as some of the sequences listed in this book, Lavoisier actually studied law at the time adolescence. Although he can his law degree and was appointed an expert in environmental law but not once did he ever practice their knowledge, although there he engaged in the world of French administrative offices and public affairs services. But above all he was active in the French Royal Academy of Science. He is also member of the Ferme Generale, an organization engaged in the tax affairs of the world. As a result, after the French Revolution of 1789, the revolutionary government very suspicious.
Finally he was arrested, along with twenty-seven members of the Ferme Generale. Court revolution may not hair-splitting, but the process went quickly. On a day on May 8, 1794 the twenty-seven people were prosecuted, found guilty and beheaded by guillotine. Lavoisier could survive with a smart wife who always helped in the investigation work.
At trial, there was a request that the case be separated Lavoisier, as he put forward a number of service he had done for society and science. The judge refused the request with brief comments "the Republic does not need the people of genius." Great mathematician Langrange just snapped and defended his friend: "It takes no time at all to cut off a head, but not enough time for a hundred years kind of puts his head on his original position."

Wilbur Wright & Orville Wright

Because the brothers' work is interrelated with each other, they are listed together in a chronological list and particulars of this book would be presented both in the same breath.Wilbur Wright was born in 1867 in the town of Millville, Indiana. Orville Wright - his brother - born in 1871 in the city of Dayton, Ohio. The two boys are sitting in college but none get a diploma.
Both have the talent in the field of mechanics, and both are interested in the problems of human fly into the air. In 1892 they opened the store, sell, fix, and make the bike. This effort to bring funds to continue his intentions: an investigation aeronautik sector. These sisters to his great works of other aeronautik enthusiasts such as Otto Lilienthal, Octave Chanute and Samuel P.Langley. In 1899 they began working toward his own flight. In December 1903, after working hard for four years less, the results of his efforts succeeded brilliantly.
People may be surprised to be able to create the Wright brothers' achievements had failed to do other people. There are many reasons that make them successful. First, the two heads would be more effective than one head. The Wright brothers always worked together and supported-supporting with a very harmonious and perfect. Second, they are deftly made the decision that they first learn how to fly before trying to make the plane. At first glance it seemed contrary to common measure: how can learn to fly if no plane? The answer is, the Wright brothers learned to fly with a glider. First they watched the workings of the kite, and launcher. The next year they brought a large glider to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, sufficient to be boarded and raised a human being. The aircraft was tested. Apparently the result is not too exciting. They make and try to complete glider in 1901 and was followed by the fabrication of the year 1902. Third glider is a combination of various important discoveries them. Some of the basic patent, used in 1903, associated with the glider aircraft than their first. About a third glider that they had more than a thousand times up into the work. Both Wright brothers had a glider pilot's best and most experienced in the world before they begin to make engined aircraft.
Experience on the air with a glider is the core of their third success of great importance. Many people who previously had been trying to make the aircraft had major concerns how the creation takeoff. Wright brothers rightly realized that the main problem is how to control the aircraft after being in the air. Therefore, most of the time and attention they shed on the issue of how to achieve stability when the aircraft is flying. They managed to create three types of basic tools to monitor the aircraft, and this is what makes them successful in the show.
The Wright brothers also gave an important contribution in terms of wing design. They are aware, the previous data already published, could not hold onto. Therefore they create their own wind tunnels and tested for more than two thousand different forms of the wing surface. The main core of this experiment is, the two brothers were able to make their own chart, describing the air pressure on the wing depends on the shape of the wing. This information is then used in the manufacture of each aircraft wing.
In addition to their findings, the Wright brothers was not going to be successful if they did not succeed to appear at the right moment in history. Experiments using flight with the engine in the first half of the 19th century clearly tending toward failure. Clear steam engine was too heavy for flight use. At the time the brothers Wright appeared, processing engine found burning was one. However, this machine is only for general use, too heavy for use in flight. When no one else is capable of factory machinery to design light enough, the brothers Wright (with the help of a mechanic) to design their own. This shows the genius of them because even within a relatively short since they are able to design machines that are superior than almost any other factory manufactured. In addition, the Wright brothers designed their own propeller. One of them used in the year 1903, 66% succeeded.
The first flight carried out on 17 December 1903 at Kill Devil Hill near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.Each of the two brothers made two flights on that day. The first flight, which carried Orville Wright lasted 12 seconds and reaches 120 feet distance. Last flight, Wilbur Wright did, lasted 59 seconds and reaches a height of 852 feet. The plane which they named Flyer I (now known by the nickname Kitty Hawk) eat the cost of making less than 1000 dollars. The plane had a wing 40 feet long and weighs about 750 pounds, powered 12-horsepower engine weighing just 170 pounds. Original aircraft is now stored neatly in the Museum of Air and Space Washington DC
Although there were five eyewitnesses, when the first flight, relatively little is reported by the newspapers published the next day (and it was generally less accurate). Own city newspaper in Dayton Ohio completely ignore this business. Only five years after it was realized that the public world of human flight really could happen.
After their flight at Kitty Hawk, the Wright brothers returned to his hometown of Dayton. There they design and make a second plane, Flyer II. With this second plane they were doing 105 flights in 1904 without attracting public attention altogether. Flyer III airplane that has improved and more practical contrived in 1905. Although they are a lot of time on the air near the city of Dayton, many people still do not believe that the name was born aircraft in the world. In the year 1906 - for example - the paper edition of The Herald Tribune article titled Paris Flyer reduce or Liars?.
In the year 1908 they finally sweep away all doubts and public distrust. Wilbur Wright flew his plane to France, making acrobatic demonstrations in the air and organized a company to market the results of his creation. Meanwhile, in the United States, Orville Wright deliver similar performance. Unfortunately, on 17 September 1908 crashed his plane crashed. This is the only accident that ever happened to them both. A passenger was killed, Orville broken leg and two ribs, but soon recovered. The success of the flight to inspire the United States government signed contracts to make aircraft for the United States Department of Defense, and in 1909 the government budget was $ 30,000 worth of orders for the Air Force needs.
Never any legal disputes concerning patent rights between the Wright brothers with his rivals, but in 1914 it rejected their claims court. What to say, in 1912 Wilbur Wright caught typhoid and died at the age of forty-five years. Orville Wright, who in 1915 sold its shares to a company, lived until 1948. Neither of the two brothers were never married.
Although many investigations in this field that preceded it, no doubt bersaudaralah Wright could be considered as forerunners of the discovery of the aircraft. In determining the order of the list this book, which became the main grip is the creation of an aircraft has meant less significant than the invention of the printing press or the steam that they have raise the revolutionary reforms of human livelihoods. However, the discovery of indisputable aircraft is an important historical phenomenon, both in terms of use for the purposes of peace or war. Within a dozen years after that, airplanes have make our world so shrunken space even one finger to touch it.And beyond that, the discovery of human-laden aircraft was a beginner and opening the way for flight in outer space.
Old centuries had flown into the human dream. They want to float in the sky with a flying carpet as in the fables of the Arabian Nights, dreams that are far in the coverage. The genius of Wright has bersaudaralah that dream come true, really flew by plane rather than cross-legged on the carpet sucking fairy tale "hoga" which three cubits in length. 

James Clerk Maxwell

Famous British physicist James Clerk Maxwell was well known through the formulation of four statements that describe the basic laws of electricity and magnets.
Both these areas before Maxwell was being investigated for a long time and had the same note there is a link between the two. However, despite the various laws of electricity and kemagnitan already discovered and contains the truth in some ways, before Maxwell, none of those laws which are one unified theory. In this he has four sets of laws that were formulated in short (but have a high weight), Maxwell managed to correctly describe the behavior and mutual relations between electric and magnetic fields. With so he changed a large number of phenomena into a single theory to hold. Opinions Maxwell has become role models in the previous century widely both in theory and in the sectors of science practice.
The most important value of, the new Maxwell's opinion is: a lot of general equations that can happen in all circumstances. All the laws of electric and magnetic pre-existing can be derived from Maxwell's opinion, as well as a large number of other law, which was once the theory is not known. From Maxwell's opinion can be shown how pergoyangan alternating electromagnetic field on a periodic basis is something that can happen. Movement back and forth like a pendulum is called electromagnetic waves, which when it is moved will continue until the space to spread out.From these opinions are able to show that the velocity of electromagnetic waves that reach about 300,000 kilometers (186,000 miles) per second. Maxwell knows that this is the same as the size of the speed of light. From this angle he rightly concluded that light itself consists of electromagnetic waves.
Thus, Maxwell's opinion is not merely a basic law of electricity and kemagnitan, but also it is also the basic law of optics. Indeed, all previous laws, known as optical laws can be attributed to his opinion, too many facts and relationships with the things that used to be unspeakable.
Light visible to the eye is not only possible type of electromagnetic radiation. Opinions Maxwell showed that electromagnetic waves other, unlike visible light in the eye he had a wavelength and frequency, there may be. This theoretical conclusion is strengthened by wonderfully Heinrich Hertz, who could produce and meet the two waves visible to the eye that was predicted by Maxwell. A few years later Guglielmo Marconi demonstrating that the invisible waves that the eye can be used for communication without wires, so what's his name menjelmalah radio. Now, we use also make the television, X-rays, gamma rays, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays are examples of electromagnetic radiation. Everything can be learned through the results of Maxwell's ideas.
Although the fame of the most prominent Maxwell lies in mind the tremendous contributions in electromagnetic fields and optics, he is also an important contribution to science in other ways, including the theories of astronomy and thermodynamics (heat affairs investigation). One particular interest is the kinetic theory of gases. Maxwell realized that not all gas molecules move at the same speed. Some slower, some faster, and some with remarkable speed. Maxwell tried a special formula to show the smallest molecules to move (in a certain temperature) at a specific speed. This formula is called "the spread of Maxwell," is the formula most widely used in scientific formulas, and contains an important meaning and benefits of each branch of physics.
Maxwell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1831. He developed an early teramatlah: at the age of fifteen he was already able to offer a scientific paper to the "Royal Society of Edinburgh." He entered Edinburgh University and graduated from the University of Cambridge. Married, but childless. Maxwell is generally considered the greatest theorists in the field of physics in the period between Newton and Einstein. A brilliant career ended too soon because he died in 1879 due to attack cancer, not long after celebrating the birthday-48.

Michael Faraday

This century the century of electricity. Indeed, some say space age, some say the atomic age, but all of this - however the importance of - relatively little impact to everyday life. Another case with electricity. Seemed unimaginable a good way of life could be without electricity. Incessantly from morning to morning we took advantage of electricity. The fact is, no type of technology is so widely spread than the use of electricity.
Many contributors in terms of electricity: Charles Augustine de Coulomb, Count Alessandro Volta, Hans Christian Oersted and Andre Marie Ampere. They-they-are among the candidate best candidate in the field of electricity. However, the peak bin is the culmination of all the British scientist Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. Although the two men work related to each other and complement each other-complete, but they are not located in one team, each creating a personal, because it can both honored place in the list order this book.
Michael Faraday was born in 1791 in Newington, England. Origin of the haves and the family was generally taught myself. At the age of fourteen he became an apprentice carpenter volumes and selling books, and he used this opportunity many people read books like crazy. When age stepped twenty years, he visited the lectures given by renowned British scientist Sir Humphry Davy. Faraday was fascinated and gaped open. Davy wrote a letter to the short story and a good profit received as his assistant. Within a few years, Faraday was able to make new discoveries on the results of his own creation. Although he did not have sufficient background in mathematics.
Faraday's discovery of the first importance in the field of electricity occurred in 1821. Oersted two years earlier had found that the magnetic compass needle always be shifted if an electric current flows in the wire that is not far away. This make Faraday concluded, if the magnetic diketatkan, which moved just wires. Working on the basis of this allegation, he managed to make a clear scheme where the wire will continually rotating magnet near an electric current flows along the wire. Indeed in this case Faraday had discovered the first electric motor, a first scheme using an electric current to make an object move. No matter how primitive, this Faraday discovery is "ancestors" of all electric motors are used the world today.
This is opening extraordinary way. However, its practical usefulness is limited utility, as long as there is no method to drive electric current from the battery than a simple chemical at the time.Faraday sure there must be a way of using magnets to move the electricity, and he kept looking for a way how to find the method. Today, magnets are not moving does not affect the electric current adjacent to the wire. But in the year 1831, Faraday discovered that when the magnet passed through a wire, current will flow in the wire while the magnet moves. This condition is called "electro-magnetic effects," and this discovery is called "Faraday's Law" and is generally considered the most important discoveries and Faraday's largest.
This is a monumental discovery, by two reasons. First, "Faraday's Law" has a fundamental importance in relation to our theoretical understanding of the electro-magnetic. Second, electro magnetic can be used to drive continuous flow of electricity as demonstrated by Faraday's own production through the first electric dynamo. Although the energy generators of our power plants to supply the city and the factory today is much more perfect than what was done Faraday, but all based on similar principles of electro magnetic influence.
Faraday also contributes in the field of chemistry. He made a plan to change a liquid gas, he found various types of chemicals, including benzene. The work is more important is the effort in the field of electro-chemical (chemical investigation of the effects of electrical current). Faraday investigation with high precision to produce two laws "elektrolysis" a reference to his name coupled with that is the basis of electro-chemistry. He also popularized the many terms used in the field such as: anode, cathode, electrode and ions.
And is likewise Faraday who introduced into the world of physics important ideas about the magnetic lines and electric power lines. With the emphasis that was not his own magnetic field but in between, he helped prepare the way for progress in various fields of modern physics, including Maxwell's statement about the similarities between the two expressions through signs (=) as 2x 5 = 10. Faraday also discovered, if the combination of two light is passed through a magnetic field, will experience a change perpaduannya. These findings have special significance, because this is the first clue that there is a relationship between light with magnets.
Faraday not only intelligent but also beautiful and had a style as a speaker. But he simply could not take the matter in terms of fame, money and flattery. He refused was knighted and also refused to become chairman of the British Royal Society. Live long and happy marriage, just do not have kids. He died in 1867 near the city of London.

George Washington

Born in 1732 in Wakefield, Virginia, a farmer's son was, George Washington inherited a large piece of plantation at the age of twenty-seven years. From the year 1753-1758 Washington entered the army, take an active part in the war against the French army Indians, and gained much experience and praise. He returned to Virginia late in 1758, and take retirement. Soon after he married widow Martha Dandridge Custis wealthy childless couple. (He himself had never had children).
Washington in the next fifteen years to manage the plantation with a neat management. In the year 1774, when he was elected representative of Virginia attended the First Continental Congress, he is the richest man in the American colonies. Washington is not the first person who called for independence, but in the month of June 1775 in the second Continental Congress (which he also became vice-Virginia), he was elected commander of the Continental army.Military experience, his wealth and reputation, cut his body (height 1.9 m thick), administrator talent and - above all - the establishment and nature of the firm, supported so as to occupy that position. Throughout the battle he did not return the money and gives examples of selfless devotion.
The success of Washington's most prominent dirampungkannya around in 1775 when he led the Continental army and in March 1797 when the term of office of the presidency has ended 2. He last breath at his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia, in December 1799.
Which determines the key position in order to establish the United States departs from three kinds of roles he played.
First, he was a successful military leader in the American independence war. It's true that Washington is not a military genius, is not more prominent than Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar. However, keep in mind, while many American commanders suffered a heavy defeat, Washington (despite having also some small losses) are still able to continue the battle and carried the banner of victory.
Second, Washington was chairman of the constitutional convention. Despite Washington's ideas did not play a decisive role in drafting the American Constitution, but his encouragement, his good name, specify it when enactment. At that time there was a challenge to the new constitution, and if without the influence of Washington's hard to feel accepted constitution.
Third, Washington is the first president of the Republic of the United States. United States really deserve to feel lucky to have the first president who has a big weight and strong character. Just take a look and compare it with so many examples of countries in Latin America and Africa which, although established through a democratic constitutional basis but declined very quickly so the military dictatorship. As for Washington to maintain the republic teguhnya without the accompaniment of the division's ambitions kept in power. He did not want to be king or dictator.This is the person who planted the rules need to transfer power from one hand to the other through peaceful means. This rule is still held in the United States until now.
George Washington is not a pure and sharp thinker as well as leaders of other Americans of his day such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin.However, he is more superior than all of them. You see, Washington - both during war and peacetime - always give a donation in the form of character strengths in the leadership of government, that without him, there's no political steps are successful. Shares role in the formation of the Republic of Madison United States is important, but in this matter what Washington was almost as important and determining.
Inclusion of George Washington in this book is a chronological list largely depends on the historical assessment of the establishment of a Republican United States. Impartial determination of the significance of the establishment of the United States, of course, difficult for an American alive today. Although the United States mid-20th century held the position of military superiority and political influence even greater than what was once owned by the Roman Empire at the peak, but its political power does not last long as the Romans. Instead, it was obvious that some technological advances achieved by the United States is considered a major means by other cultures and at other times. The discovery of the aircraft - for example - and the human landing on the moon has been realize the dream of the past era and it seems inconceivable that the invention of nuclear weapons can be proved.
Since George Washington an American political figure who can generally be attributed to Augustus Caesar of Rome, it seems reasonable to place the position of Washington in the list is almost close to Augustus. If Washington put more down, this is simply because a shorter tenure than the rule of Augustus, and because many people (like Thomas Jefferson and James Madision) also play an important role in the formation of the Republic of the United States.However, the order of George Washington standing higher than figures like Alexander the Great and Napoleon as Washington works and the successes have done so for coverage further impact and sustainability.


This figure first Roman emperor who embraced Christianity. Through convert it and the many ways that development took, he held prominent role in this change from the religion of Christianity that are pursued and punished to the dominant religion in Europe.
Constantine was born circa 280 in the city of Naissus (now called Nis) in the country that is now Yugoslavia. His father was a high officer, and Constantine spent his youth in Nicomedia, where the Emperor Diocletian in court.
Diocletian ascended the throne in 305 and Constantine's father - Constantius - become the ruler in the western half of the Roman Empire. When Constantius died in the following year, Constantine proclaimed emperor by his soldiers. However, the other generals at odds on this investiture and the civil war was not inevitable. This war will end in 312 when Constantine defeated by opponents who still survive - Maxentius - in a battle at the bridge near the city of Rome Milvian.
Certainly not when Constantine into Christianity. The stories commonly heard to say, in moments before the battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine saw a cross burning in the sky and says "With this sign you will be able to conquer." No matter when he entered the Christians, Constantine did much for the progress of Christianity. One step is to make pemulanya Act Milan. With this law the religion of Christianity is legal and tolerated religion. The law also allows the return of church property that was confiscated during the chase and ransacked in the past. Also declared Sunday as a day of worship.
Milan Law is not based solely by the attitude of religious tolerance. Instead, the government of Constantine can be considered as a sign of the beginning of persecution of the Jews who continued to take place in Christian Europe in the coming centuries.
Constantine was never made the Christian religion as the official state religion. However, through regulation and political steps he clearly driving the development of this religion. In his reign it was obvious, anyone who entered the open door of Christianity means to him in terms of ease up a career ladder in administration. And decisions issued by Constantine also provides immunity and privileges of the church. Similarly, he built churches in the world famous - such as the birth of Jesus Church in Bethlehem and the Tomb of Jesus Church in Darussalam. All these churches began to be built at the time of Constantine's reign.
The role of the Roman Emperor Constantine as a Christian religion by itself make him the right set forth in this book is a chronological list. However, some actions contain the effects of long-term. For example, he rebuilt and expanded city of Byzantium, and replaced with the name of Constantinople (now Istanbul) is one of the largest cities in the world and still be the capital of Eastern Roman Empire until the year 1453 and several centuries later became the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
Constantine also played an important role in the internal history of the church. Involved in the dispute between the followers of Arius and Athonius (two Christian theologians who proposed a different doctrine), Constantine called the Council meeting Nicola (in the year 325), the first church council trial. Constantine the Council to actively take part, can resolve disputes with accepted Nicene doctrine, which later became the orthodox doctrine of the church.
Another important thing is its role in relation to the preparation of civil regulations. Constantine made legislation governing companies hereditary (such as Joqal, bakers). Issuance of the decree which it also set the "coloni" (peasant class) garapannya forbidden to leave the ground.In the modern sense of this decree means changing "coloni" (peasant farmers) to be a slave, who tied with the land. This decree and other rules are the basis of the entire peletak social structure of medieval Europe.
Constatine not baptized until he lay in bed dying, though obviously she's been in Christianity long before that. However, it also coincided with the true that the soul kenasraniannya faded completely. Although the size of the time, he was so violent and cruel. This attitude is not directed at his opponents alone. The causes are not clear, he punishes his wife and son in 326.
Can be questioned, acceptance Constantine to Christianity before does not change the course of history, but merely endorse the things that it could not be inevitable. In addition, although Biocletian Emperor (reigned from 284-305) has done a great gencetan of Christianity, a religion that effort did not succeed because at that time Christianity was much stronger than the power that will hit him even after all the cruel acts. Tarolah people regard the failure of an experiment gone Biocletian crush Christianity and religion can achieve victory even without interfering Constantine altogether. Assumptions and speculations like that are interesting, but not convincing and uncertain. It was hard to imagine what would happen without Constantine. It is clear, with encouragement, Christianity spread from the size and number of the following areas of influence. From a small group that does not mean only within a century became an established religion and has great influence in the world.
Of light was, Constantine is the pivot figures in European history. Place in the order of the list is higher than the figures of Alexander the Great, Napoleon and Hitler because of his influence that has long range.

James Watt

James Watt, Scottish people are often associated with the inventor of the steam engine, was the key figure of the Industrial Revolution.
In fact, Watt is not the first person to make the steam engine. Similar design is also composed by Hero of Alexandria in the early years AD. In 1686 Thomas Savery patents make a steam engine used to pump water, and in the year 1712, an Englishman Thomas Newcomen, patents also make similar products with a more complete version, but the creation of Newcomen engines were of poor quality and inefficient, can only used to pump water from coal mines.
Watt became interested in the affairs of the steam engine in 1764 when he was correcting the creation Newcomen engine. Although Watt's just get a year of education as a toolmaker carpenter, but he has great talent creator. Improvements are done with homemade Newcomen engine was so important, so that's worth actually think by Watt creator of the first practical steam engine.
The success of the first dipatenkannya Watt in 1769 was the addition of a separate room which strengthened. He also make insulation separator to prevent the disappearance of steam heat in the cylinder, and in 1782 he found a double machine. With some small improvements, this update menghasilan increased efficiency of steam engines with a four-fold or more. In practice, this efficiency improvement is the result of an intelligence but is not very useful equipment nor have the extraordinary usefulness traced from the point of industry.
Watt also found (in the year 1781) set of teeth to change the motion so that the engine behind a rotating motion. This tool increase greatly the use of steam engines. Watt also managed to create a circular motion controller automatically force (in 1788), which causes the engine speed can be automatically monitored. Also creates a pressure gauge (in 1790), speedo instrument, a tool guide and vapor control equipment in addition to other repair equipment.
Watt himself had no business talent. However, in the year 1775 he made an alliance with Matthew Boulton, an engineer, and a skillful businessman. For twenty-five years later, Watt and Boulton company produces a large number of steam engines and both became wealthy.
It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of the steam engine. For, indeed many other inventions which plays an important role encouraging the development of the Industrial Revolution. For example, the development of the mine, metallurgy, and various machine tools.Lifeboat which slides back and forth in a weaving machine (John Kay's invention in 1733), or the loom (the discovery of James Hargreaves in 1764) all occurred before the creation of Watt. The vast majority of these discoveries is a less significant improvement and none had a vital meaning in connection with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Another case with the discovery of the steam engine which plays an important role in the Industrial Revolution, the situation seems to be experiencing other forms. Previously, although the steam is used to turn windmills and water, principal source of mechanical power lies in human power. This factor is very limited industrial production capacity. Thanks to the invention of the steam engine, these limitations eliminated. A large number of energy can now be channeled to things that are productive with a very swift upward. Oil embargo of 1973 made us realize how miserable if reduced energy and materials capable of crippling the industry. This experience, at some level, encouraging us to imagine the significance of the Industrial Revolution because of the discovery of James Watt.
In addition to the benefits of power plant, the steam engine also has a large order in other areas.In the year 1783, the Marquis de Jouffroy in Abbans successfully use steam engines to drive the ship. In 1804, Richard Trevithick's first steam locomotive to create. None of the beginner models that are commercially successful. Within a few hundred years, then either the ship or rail to produce a revolution both in the field of land and sea transportation.
The Industrial Revolution took place almost simultaneously with the American Revolution and French. Although the time seemed trivial, now seems obvious how the Industrial Revolution has the meaning set forth seemed much more important for human livelihoods significance than political revolution. James Watt, and therefore classified as one who has an important influence in history.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Astronomer Polish nationals named Nicolaus Copernicus (Polish name: Mikolaj Kopernik), was born in 1473 in the city of Torun in the river Vistula, Poland. He comes from a family is. As a young child young, Copernicus studied at the University of Cracow, as the students who took great interest in astrology affairs. In his twenties he went a visit to Italy, studying medicine and law at the University of Bologna and Padua which can then doctorate in ecclesiastical law at the University of Ferrara. Copernicus spent most of his time when grown as staff employees in Frauenburg Cathedral (Poland term: Frombork), as an ecclesiastical lawyer who actually Copernicus was never a professional astronomer, the amount of work which made his name thanks to sky-is odd.
During his stay in Italy, Copernicus was acquainted with ideas of Greek philosopher Aristarchus of Samos (13th century BC). These philosophers argued that the earth and other planet-planet rotates around the sun. Copernicus was convinced of the truth of the hypothesis "heliocentris" this, and when he stepped on the age of forty she began writing pieces circulate among his friends in the form of short writings, the origin of the ideas put forward his own on the matter.Copernicus takes years of observation, careful calculations required for the preparation of his big book De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (About Revolution circle sky objects), which describes in detail his theory and put forward evidence-proof.
In the year 1533, when the age of sixty years, Copernicus send files lecture notes to Rome.Here he suggests basic principles of his theory without causing dissent Pope. New age is approaching when the seventies, Copernicus decided that publishing the book, and just in time to death he sent his first printed book from the publisher. This dated May 24, 1543.
In the book of Copernicus rightly say that the earth rotates on its axis, that the moon revolves around the sun and the earth, and the other planets all revolved around the sun. But, like his predecessors, he made a gratuitous calculations of planetary-scale circulation around the sun.Also, he made a big mistake because he was convinced that the orbit containing circles. So, not only this theory is mathematically complicated, but also not true. Even so, his book gained great hurry. Other astronomers were intrigued, especially the national Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe, who made observations more precise and appropriate to the planetary movements. From these data this observation which makes Johannes Kepler finally able to formulate laws of planetary motion is appropriate.
Although Aristarchus more than seventeen centuries before Copernicus had raised issues concerning the distribution hypotheses heavenly bodies, is considered worthy of people who Copernicuslah won big. Because, no matter how Aristarchus had put forward the various issues that contain inspiration, but he never formulated a detailed theory that has benefited from scientific spectacles. When Copernicus worked on mathematical calculations hypotheses in detail, he managed to turn it into a scientific theory that has meaning and order. Can be used for these allegations, can be proved by astronomical observations, can be useful in other appeals that previous theories that are so central dunialah space.
Clearly therefore, the Copernican theory has revolutionized our concept of space and at the same time has revolutionized our philosophical outlook. However, in terms of assessment of the significance of Copernicus, it must be remembered that astronomy is not a far-reaching practical use everyday as well as chemical and biological physics. Because people can actually make television equipment, cars, or a modern chemical plant without any secuwil should use the theory of Copernicus. (Conversely, one could never make these things without using the mind Faraday, Maxwell, Lavosier or Newton).
However, if we merely direct attention solely to the direct influence of Copernicus in the field of technology, we will lose the significance of the real Copernicus. Copernicus' book had a meaning that does not seem to allow both the Galileo and Kepler completed his scientific work.All of them were predecessors important and decisive for the Newton, and their findings raise a possibility that Newton formulated the laws of motion and weight style. Historically, the publication of De Revolutionobus Orbium Coelestium is the starting point of modern astronomy.More than that, the starting point of modern knowledge.

Martin Luther

Martin Luther, who defiantly against the Roman Catholic Church and gave birth to the Protestant reform movement born in the year 1483 in the town of Eisleben, Germany. She earned a college education is quite good and at one time had studied the law (apparently at the instigation of the father). However, overall he has never completed a formal education but rather chose to be an Augustinian priest. In 1512 he earned a Doctorate in theology from the University of Wittenberg and immediately plunged active in the faculty department.
Dissatisfaction and complaints against Martin Luther's Roman Catholic Church arose level by level. In 1510 he made visitation to Rome. At that point he was shocked stunned witness absurdly worldly extravagance and luxury of the priests of the Catholic church. However, most protests are encouraged especially in terms of doing church-related issues which the forgiveness of sins committed by the church. On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther sticking posters on the gates of Wittenberg church that contains the "ninety-five basic attitude" that confront the luxuries of life including the church in general and send carbon copies "ninety-five basic attitude of" it was the Bishop of Mainz. In addition, also printed and widely distributed everywhere.
The scope of Martin Luther's protest against the Roman Catholic Church with extraordinary speed and spread widely. Luther increase heart attack to the problem right: to deny the power of the Pope, the Church Council. Martin Luther insisted he was only subject to the guidance of the Gospel and the common sense reasons. Understandably, the church was not pleased with the opinion of this Luther. Luther was ordered to come before the church authorities, and after hearing each other and the argument and ordered that Martin Luther threw his opinion, he finally declared "apostate" and found guilty and excommunicated by the council session (1521) and all his writings is expressly prohibited and not accountable.
Should have - according to custom - Martin Luther should be burned to a charcoal burning as well as those who burned the hay. However, Luther's views are widespread and affects a German and a few German nobles. Although Martin Luther must also go hide for a year, support for him was so strong that he could be released from criminal penalties that happened.
Martin Luther was a famous writer and productive and have a broad impact. One of the big job is to translate the Gospel into the German language. This - of course - opening the door for every literate person to learn the gospel itself must be through an intermediary without church or priest. (Incidentally, the translation is so beautiful and perfect spread enormous influence on the language and kesusasteraaan Germany).
Luther's theology - of course - impossible to be described here briefly in a limited space. One of the key ideas is the doctrine of the necessity of faith to trust solely, an idea based on the writings of St.. Paul. Luther believed, according to human kondratnya darkened because of his sins and solely through the actions and work better alone can save him from eternal damnation.Salvation comes only through faith and with the blessing of God's forgiveness. Therefore, according to Luther, it became obvious that the act of forgiveness is the church to sell inappropriate and futile. With so well meant, the traditional opinion that considers rusty intermediate church can not be removed between a Christian and God is really something false.If someone is the doctrine of Martin Luther, it means the rights of the Roman Catholic Church wiped out in a single blow.
In addition, in the case questioned the essential role of the church, Luther also protested against the various kinds of beliefs and practices of special worship. For example, he rejected the existence of purgatory (a state after death where the spirit requires purification through torture while), and he refused a bachelor necessity for a pastor. He was alone in the year 1525 married the former nun, had six children. Luther died in Eisleben in 1546 when he was on his way to visit his hometown.
Martin Luther, of course, is not the first Protestant thinker. Century before he was preceded by Jan Hus of Bohemia, and in the 14th century British scholar John Wycliffe, even in the 12th century, a Frenchman named Peter Waldo can be considered a first Protestant. However, the influence of Martin Luther's predecessors in the movement had only included the local. In 1517, dissatisfaction with the Catholic church has penetrated everywhere. The sayings of Martin Luther was a serial blaze spread to large areas of Europe. Luther because it has an undeniable right that he was the person responsible for the explosion of dynamite sulutan renewal.
The most obvious consequence of this Reform movement - of course - the establishment of various Protestant sects. Although Protestants are part cumalah course of Christianity as a whole, nor is the biggest part, but still exceeded the number of adherents of the Buddhist and even compared with most other religions.
An important consequence of the Reform movement is the extent of spread of armed religious conflict that soon followed. Some examples of religious wars (eg, Thirty Years War in Germany that began in 1618 and only ended in 1648) really a bloody war which claimed many victims. In fact, other than weapons clashed, the political conflict between Catholics and Protestants have an important role in the political arena of Europe for several centuries to come.
Updates also plays a complicated but important in the intellectual development of Europe.Before the year 1517 there was only one church, the Roman Catholic Church and every dissident and who have other opinions immediately branded as "apostates." Climate played such kemplang karuan not provide for freedom of fresh thinking. After the renewal because the various countries have adopted the principles of religious freedom in thinking, by itself provide security in the affairs speculation on various issues.
There are also other influences that are worth noting, most of the figures included in the list in this book is from England, figures exceed the other country. Germany followed after the British.It could be said, a list of these figures is very noticeable is dominated by those from Protestant countries both Europe and North America. If we examine, only two people from the list (Gutenberg and Charlemagne) lived before the year 1517. Before that year, most of the people listed in this book comes from another world and the people who live in the country now known as the Protestant countries comparatively modest contribution of the cultural and human history. This light indicates how much movement or Protestant Reform movement was responsible for the fact how many famous people from this area in the 450-year period. Perhaps the development of intellectual freedom in this area is the main factor.
Luther was not altogether free from mistakes. Although he was a rebel against religious authority, he can be very short-sighted and not gracefully for those who have different opinions with the religious issue. It could be short-sighted attitude, and not gracefully resulted Luther religious wars in Germany is much more fierce and more bloody than for example in the UK.After all, Martin Luther was very gravity of the anti-Jewish, and his writings are very outrageous and hit kromo against Jews is likely to push for opening the way Hitler did in the atrocities of the 20th century.
Luther has often emphasized the need for obedience to the authority of the legitimate civilian government. Most likely, the main background for its refusal to intervene against the civilian government of the church. (Do not forget, Reform movement was not merely theological strife, To a certain extent he was also a German Nationalist revolt against Roman influence, therefore it's worth when some movements get great support from several German princes). Apart from Luther's intentions, his statement on the German Protestants encouraged to accept the absolute attitude in matters pertaining to politics. And in that way also the writings of Martin Luther helped paved the way for the reign of Hitler.
Maybe there are some people wonder what Martin Luther because no place higher in the list order this book. The main cause, although Luther seemed to have significance for Europeans and Americans, he does not have significant meaning for people in Asia and Africa because the relatively few who embraced Christianity. So far as the Chinese, Japanese or Indian, the difference between Catholics and Protestants have no significance for them. (The same thing happened to the Europeans who are not so interested in the differences between the Sunnis and the Shiites in Islam).
The second reason, Luther if the balance, a new historical figure, because it influence coverage in the history of humanity. not for Muhammad, Buddha; or Moses. Furthermore, in the recent several centuries of religious belief in the West decline, and the influence of religion on human problems within the next 2000 years seems smaller than the past thousand years. When power dibble continuous decline of religious influence, Martin Luther-dragon dragon will look much less more importance in the history of humanity than he earned now.
Finally, remember that we are worthy of religious strife in the centuries to the 16th and 17th actually not - in the long run - an impact to people's lives as well as advances in science that occurs at the same time. Indeed, what the main reason for Luther, placed in the main list of more of the Copernicus (who lived contemporary with him) is that Luther played a larger role in individual Protestant Reform movement than the Copernican revolution in science.